我是个没有抱负的人,也相信因为对孩子的期望低,造成以后她们“成就”有限是个必然的结果。但我就这么个温吞水个性,即使知道结果如此还是很难摆起“孩子,妈妈这么做是为你好”的面孔,而硬性要求她们非做什么不可。所以,如果小小鱼今天学会了什么,90%都是学校教的。如果硬要说她跟我学会了什么,那就是凡事搞砸了,会心平气和的说“that's ok“然后冷静的去把事情从新做过的态度,而不是气急败坏的怨天尤人,甚至无理取闹的归咎别人。
Anyway, 从大字不识几个,ABC全靠唱的,first sound不知为何物,脾气很坏,自理能力很差,羞羞怯怯的不肯跟任何成人对话,到现在俨然一个小大人,进了教室就如鱼得水,每天回家带回来一缧缧在学校完成的活计,学的,唱的,说的,想的,一波波冲得我晕头转向(again, 实在是我对课业学习的要求太低 :))。而最令人欣喜&错愕的,不是她学习的量,而是她没有间断的进步。对她的老师们,心里真的充满了感激。诉诸文字,就成了四张别别扭扭的Xmas card。:)
Dear Ms. P,
Thank you so much for being a great teacher to April. There must be some kind of magic in your class. She is just so happy everyday and she has learned so much in the past year. I remember you said that April is out of her cocoon and is ready to fly on her own. You were so right. She now speaks with her own thoughts, makes decisions with her own judgement (sometimes not perfectly correct :)), reasons with us with her own logic, and handles most situations with reasonable behavior. The lesson you gave her is more than just alphabet and numbers (which is magical effort too because we just weren't able to get anything through her little mind at home :)). She learned reasons, logic, consequences, and most importantly curiosity and interests in everything around her. Thanks for being a big inspiration to her. We really appreciate it.
Dear Ms. O,
We really like to thank you for being an amazing teacher to April. There must be something about your teaching that made April thrive since you came to the class. We looked at the school materials she brought home and were just amazed how much she is learning and how much progress she has made! She's learning through so many things, books, stories, even songs. Just recently she started to count down (from 10 to 0) and I was wondering where she learned that. Then I realized she learned that from "The 12 days of Xmas". That must be one of the numerous songs you sang to them. We also like to thank you for so many one-on-one lessons with April. That really made her fell like a big kid, and she ALWAYS proudly shows us what she's done with Ms. O today. Ms. O this, Ms O that, from how often she mentions your name at home, I can imagine how much effort you have spent on teaching and guiding and inspiring our little one. Thank yo so much! You made her learning a fun game and a cool challenge, something she will benefit for a life time.
Dear Ms. S,
If I have to say one thing that makes me feel most comfortable everyday when we drop off April at school, that would be knowing you are in the class watching over her. Thank you so much for being the warmest and most caring and fun and careful and organized and responsible teacher that April has ever had. When I pick her up and see both you and her smile at me, I know she had another good day at school and you are a big part of it. The numerous art projects that you did with children have also become the most interesting ornament on our Xmas tree. On the "exhibition wall" at home, we also put her art work up and let her explain to us what that is. She ALWAYS says, Ms. S helped me with this. :) Thank you so much for being such a loving and caring teacher to our little one. We really appreciate it.
Dear Ms. F,
I'm always amazed by how cheerful you are whenever we see you, and I truly believe that is one most important reason that makes April love school so much! In the morning, we're always greeted by your big smile and warm welcome. In the afternoon, we take April home knowing she just had another good day with your help on EVERYTHING. Starting from the minute she walks in the door, through lunch time, nap time, bathroom break, recess, till we pick her up, you're the guardian who helps her, guides her, and protects her on every little detail, and you make sure she is comfortable and cared for in the best possible way. Children learn at school, and they "live" at school too as many of them spend more waking hours at school than at home. You are my little one's mommy at school and I can't imagine how she can happily get by a day without your care and help. Thank you, from a mommy to a mommy. :)
今天接娃的时候Ms. S出来开的门,她说读了卡片都哭了。(其实我早就觉得她特别偏心我们家娃,娃亲耐的姨也看出来了 :)) 于是我们拥抱,互道新年快乐,也深深知道对方都期待新一年的到来,因为我们有一个大大的交集,就是都粉爱,粉关心,粉照顾同一个娃。能替娃找到学校如此,我真的很grateful, 很grateful...